Ordered Rules Section

The rules formulated in this project apply to stems and formations represented with the Cyrillic alphabet. (See charts of consonants and vowels on the "Terms and Concepts" page.) The application of the rules is "ordered" and "non-recursive," that is, within any process environment the rules must be applied in the order they are listed; and, once a rule is applied, it may not be reapplied, nor may any rule preceding it be applied.

Conventions used in the formula versions of the rules: in the left-hand black box the letter(s) to the left of the arrow "transform to" the letter(s) on the right side of the arrow depending upon the environment represented in the right-hand black box. Capitalized Cyrillic vowels indicate "fleeting vowels." Latin cap C is a generic symbol for any consonant. Latin cap V is a generic symbol for any vowel. Superscripts and subscripts may further define a classes of consonants or vowels.

For commentary on the determination of some of the rule processes, click on this link to Introductory Comments.

Non-Past Tense Endings
Singular Plural
1 2 3 1 2 3
е-, и-, & я-stem verbs -й-у-ишь-ит-им-ите-ят
other regular verb stems -ешь-ет-ем-ете-ут
special endings -шь

Non-Past Tense Endings are valid for both imperfective verb forms (with present reference) and perfective verb forms (with future reference).

For commentary on the determination of stem types and ending associations, click on this link to Stems and Endings: Additional Comments.

Imperative Endings
Singular Plural
all verb stems -ьте

Imperative endings are influenced by a supra-segmental stress component. See commentary to Rule 9.

Past Tense Endings
Masculine Feminine Neuter Plural
all verb stems -ла-ло-ли
Other Endings
Infinitive Present
я-stem verbs -ть-ящий-вший-имый-янный-в(ши)
е- & и-stem verbs -ть-ящий-вший-имый-й-енный-в(ши)
sonorant stem verbs -ть-ущий-вший-(емый)-тый-в(ши)
consonant stem verbs -ть-ущий-(в)ший-омый-(й)-енный-(в)ши
other verb stems -ть-ущий-вший-емый-нный-в(ши)

The occurrence / non-occurrence of participles with various verb stems may be influenced by lexical characteristics of the verb stems.

For commentary on the determination of stem types and ending associations, click on this link to Stems and Endings: Additional Comments.

For commentary on the approach to stress, click on this link to Approach to Stress: Comments.

Rule #
transformation process
F V → Ø
in WEAK position
3 2 1

Rule 1a: Fleeting Vowel in WEAK position.

( F V) is realized as null when in WEAK position. When an ending begins with a consonant, even-numbered vowel positions (including "Fleeting Vowels") counting from the end of the stem are considered WEAK. When an ending begins with a vowel, odd-numbered vowel positions are considered WEAK.

For related comments and exceptions click on the link to additional commentary to Rule 1a.

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F V → V
in STRONG position
3 2 1

Rule 1b: Fleeting Vowel in STRONG position.

( F V) is realized as an actual vowel (V) in STRONG position. When an ending begins with a consonant, odd-numbered vowel positions (including "Fleeting Vowels") counting from the end of the stem are considered STRONG. When an ending begins with a vowel, even-numbered vowel positions are considered STRONG.

For related comments click on the link to additional commentary for Rule 1b.

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ьн → Ø
ьн → й
ьн → ни
ьм, ьн → я
ьй → и
и__м + V
V__м + V
C__м + V
C__ + C
__ + C

Rule 2: Jer plus nasal or glide consonant transformation.

For related comments click on the link to additional commentary to Rule 2.

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Cd, Cv(+)й → Cp
Cl(+)й → Clлй
Cdsй → no change


Consonant / й-glide Coalescence Transformations.
Labial Dental Palatal Velar
Obstruent Stop Voiceless пй → плй тй → ч ← кй
Voiced бй → блй дй → ж ← гй
Affricate Voiceless стй → щ ← скй
Fricative Voiceless фй → флй сй → ш ← хй
Voiced вй → влй зй → ж
Nasal мй → млй нй → нй
Lateral лй → лй
Trilled рй → рй

Rule 3: Consonant / й-glide coalescence transformations.

The sequence of CONSONANT + й transforms to a new consonant or consonant sequence [й-glide coalescence]. There are 3 basic transformation environments (See the й-glide coalescence transformations table):

This transformation is valid for the й-glide associated with the 1st person singular ending of the и theme non-past endings where a stem boundary is present.

For related comments and information click on the links to additional commentary for Rule 3.

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Cv → Cp

__ (+) е
__ (+) и
__ (+) я

Rule 4: Palatal transformation of velar consonants.

VELAR CONSONANTS transform to PALATAL CONSONANTS when followed by е, и, or я.

For related comments click on the link to additional commentary to Rule 4.

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C p (+) __
C p (+) __

Rule 5: Vocalic adjustments.

For related comments click on the link to General Commentary to Rules 5 - 7.

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к, г + ть → чь
б, т, д, н → с
т, д, н → Ø
л → Ø
stem# [infinitive form]
__ + т
__ + л [past tense form]
с, з + __# [masc. past]

Rule 6: Stem plus ending consonant adjustments.

For related comments see the General Commentary to Rules 5 - 7.

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й → Ø

__ + V
__ + C

Rule 7: Loss of stem-final й-glide.

Stem-final й-glide is lost when followed by an ending beginning with a VOWEL or CONSONANT.

For related comments see General Commentary to Rules 5 - 7.

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е → ë
ь → и
ь → Ø

in stressed environment
in stressed environment
in unstressed ending (imperative) for й-stem verbs

Rule 8: Vowel adjustment within stressed syllable.

For related comments click on the link to additional commentary to Rule 8.

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